Authentic Tamanu oil - more than an external skin care oil for animals Animals, like people can suffer from rheumatism, wounds, scars, pulled muscles, sprains or general inflammation, Applying pure Tamanu oil can help relieve the symptoms. Itching behind the ears, chest, abdomen, legs can be a kind of allergy in dogs and cats whereby a wound or inflammation can occur rapidly, Pure Tamanu oil may contribute by its antibacterial and antiviral properties to recovery. The advantages of this 100% natural Tamanu oil are endless. Our Tamanu oil is pure, undiluted and creates a deeper penetrating healing ability. The oil is 100% natural, chemical-free and 0% artificial additives. Pure Tamanu oil contains polyphenols, these are anti-inflammatory and have an anticarcinogenic effect. Visit our website: Authentic Tamanu oil for our Animals
Authentic Tamanu oil - eczema, skinproblems, rash, acne scars, wounds and more on our website: