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Showing posts from January, 2017

The Miraculous Benefits Of Frangipani by Tamanu Volcanic Earth

The Miraculous Benefits Of Frangipani Health Benefits of Frangipani Frangipani contains a number of powerful compounds that benefit the human body. These compounds are known for its anti-bacterial effects. According to research, frangipani is also effective in strengthening the immune system and fighting off stress. Frangipani is claimed to be effective in alleviating the symptoms of depression and ofcourse, dry skin. Frangipani is used in aromatherapy, the aroma is sensual and relaxing.  Its seductive and long lasting fragrance makes it one of the main ingredients in a number of creams, conditioners and shampoos. We use it in our hand scrub and hand moisturiser and body soap: Aside from its magnificent scent, frangipani is highly regarded for its amazing benefits to the skin and hair. Frangipani can also be used in cosmetics, massage oil, bath and beauty products as it serves as a perfect skin care because of its age defying effects. It helps in revitalizing the sk...

VolcanicEarth - PROesthetic natural skin care

VolcanicEarth VolcanicEarth - PROesthetic natural skin care √ Les produits de soin cutané naturels Volcanic Earth sont formulés à base d'ingrédients authentiques issus d'une région très particulière. La force de la nature est souvent sous-estimée. C'est justement cet enjeu qui constitue notre point de départ. Nos ingrédients de base sont cultivés et recueillis de manière authentique. Les ingrédients Volcanic Earth proviennent d'une terre d'exception située dans le Pacifique Sud et connue comme étant le paradis le plus fertile sur Terre, exempte de pollution, de pesticides, d'herbicides, d'engrais ou encore d'insecticides. Les plantes sont cultivées biologiquement dans cette terre volcanique très fertile, sans aucun produit phytosanitaire. Les ingrédients sont authentiques, mais les êtres humains qui peuplent la région le sont tout autant. Les habitants vivent au cœur de la nature, en communion avec elle, en quasi-autarcie. √ L'huile de tamanu est l...

VolcanicEarth - William Reed Cosmetics design Europe

VolcanicEarth - William Reed Cosmetics design Europe William Reed :  Volcanic Earth - Volcanic Earth natural skin care products with authentic ingredients    coming from very special islands in the South Pacific.  The force of nature is often underestimated. For us it’s just the beginning to prove the effectiveness. Publisher William Reed: Publisher Google: Or go directly to