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Tamanu Barber Shop

Tamanu Barber Shop

Tamanu Oil can be used on all parts of the body.
But also onto your hair scalp, into your hair, and are used by barbers whose occupation is mainly to cut, dress, groom, style and shave men's and boys' hair.
This amazing oil is a must for taking care of our skin.
Tamanu Oil™ is suitable for daily use for dry skin, oily skin and combination skin.
If you suffer from a troublesome skin condition or know someone who does, then you have stumbled upon a unique product that just may be worth giving a try.

While there have been a number of scientific studies on Tamanu Oil, the research has been limited,however, sufficient scientific studies have been done in Europe, Japan and the U.S which puts Tamanu Oil in the super-oil category. This oil has the unique ability to promote the formation of new skin tissue and it possesses
anti-inflammatory, anti-neuralgic, antibiotic and antioxidant properties.

► Many Tamanu Oil suppliers claim to own the original Tamanu Oil.
They claim our name and sell the non original Tamanu Oil at a relatively low amount.
The results are that people buy a cheap product with no (or little) effect/results.
Most of the Tamanu Oil is mixed or does not possess the healing properties.
There is only 1 specific Tamanu Oil world-wide that possesses the natural healing properties, and the process to produce this is oil is more than important.
Be aware - Only the original pure Tamanu Oil has been proven effective for skin and hair.
It means also that you only need a few drops pure Tamanu Oil.

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